Tuesday, January 23, 2007


This week I had the pleasure of learning from some of my very favorite photographers at the Anti-workshop in Texas, Doug and Chenin Boutwell of Boutwell Studio in California and John Michael Cooper and his lovely wife Dalisa of AltF Studio in Las Vegas. This is just the kind of thing I need to get reinspired after a long wedding season thus far :) I went with my good friends Dean Thorsen and Kelly Moore and we got to meet so many other talented photographers. It was a great time. During this workshop, we had a shooting assingment that helped with the weakest part of my photography, the portraits! Most of you know that I am better and getting the action than posing you up and luckily I mostly have great clients who pose themselves and I get off the hook! ;) But really I had fun trying to direct and come up with some new stuff. Here are some of my images from this week!

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